Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Smokers - beware!

So, I am at a loss. What and how do you get your friends to quit smoking. I know they are not idiots - I mean, they can be, but by in large... they ain't stupid. Yet, I am utterly unsuccessful at getting my closest friends to kick the habit. Here is another tidbit that should freak any reasonable person out - according to MSNBC website - "The level of nicotine found in U.S. cigarettes has risen about 10 percent in the past six years, making it harder to quit and easier to get hooked, according to a new report released Tuesday by the Massachusetts Department of Health." Would this not scare and give you a sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach? Basically, you are allowing yourself be manipulated by someone whose only interest is to get you even more addicted... and you are paying into this??? May be I should become a smokes peddler - sounds like a good business model to me...

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