Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Weather improving...

Well, we are continuing with a warm up program of sorts. Today was the first day in a while the club was able to fill up and send a bus about two thirds full up the mountain. This, of course means that the weather is improving and a bunch of us are dreaming of long distance flights. Too bad these hopes went unrealized... Strong winds at the top kept the thermals from properly building up and flying was either into strong head winds to the foot of the mountain or a few thermal hops and then, the lucky ones, would make it to the city and land close enough to their hotel to grab a beer and hope the better day tomorrow! None-the-less, Pal and Gabor of showed off with some ridge soaring tricks and all flew.

As a matter of fact, some flew more than once and Steve and Carol got to fly in pretty strong conditions successfully demonstrating what they are made of! (we are still not quite sure, but it was something squishy). Joka and me, both made it to the city LZ with some room to spare, Marko was trying to milk the uncertain thermals and ended up across the river. No worries, still got a decent flight and was in time to meet us for late lunch in town!

After a shower and a little while reading the book I headed to my usual evening digs at the computer library where Carol and Steve joined me for a little while, to work on the blog and doing what I can from here to help the wedding preparations along. Just wish Yulka could take time off and hang out here with me... Next trip!

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